Our Mission
To raise and administer donor funds through our individual and business memberships and Ambassador program, for rewilding projects in Africa that involve impoverished wilderness communities and that restore, preserve, and protect key wilderness areas.
What will happen if we don’t Rewild Africa and support her Wilderness Communities?

Species extinction

Destruction of natural landscapes

Poverty, famine and disease
Our RAIC Implementation Interventions (Rewilding Africa Impact Collaborative)

A rewilding project can take years to become self-sustaining. We support well planned and budgeted rewilding programs along with helping build conservation economy businesses that create conservation livelihoods.

We support master land use planning and facilitate job creation and business development to open up new jobs and conservation economy income streams for communities. By helping them flourish, we protect the wildlife that shares their home.

Our Rewilding projects often present opportunities to protect endangered species and the "Big 5" that occur within the national parks and reserves in Africa. We support endangered species rewilding and protection projects.

Through our rewilding projects, we support grassroots conservation training and education in local wilderness communities. Our goal is to make them custodians of their environments and protectors of the natural landscapes and species that live there.

Land acquisition
We support the purchase or lease of derelict farmland ripe for rewilding projects that can be managed by local communities and protected for wildlife.
How do we achieve these interventions?
Individual and Business Membership subscriptions
Philanthropic donations
Global Ambassador program
Our Rewilding Africa Membership Funding support mission
Rewilding Africa CIC aims to provide funding and technical support for Rewilding projects that crucially support Africa’s Wilderness Communities.
We act as their voice on the global stage and invite your participation by you becoming an individual or business member or a Global Ambassador.