Aaron Salmah Dery
Aaron Salmah Dery is highly spiritual and a strong believer in the oneness of all existence. To attain consciousness leads to the realisation of all other consciousness.
Joining Rewilding Africa offers a wonderful opportunity to support on-the-ground conservation efforts by empowering localities to safeguard their land. Given the alarming rates at which African habitats surrounding conservation hotspots are being degraded, I believe that community conservancies models can serve as an effective tool to address these concerning trends. Nature is Awesome.

Author: Aaron Salmah Dery
Aaron Salmah Dery is highly spiritual and a strong believer in the oneness of all existence. To attain consciousness leads to the realisation of all other consciousness. Joining Rewilding Africa offers a wonderful opportunity to support on-the-ground conservation efforts by empowering localities to safeguard their land. Given the alarming rates at which African habitats surrounding conservation hotspots are being degraded, I believe that community conservatives models can serve as an effective tool to address these concerning trends. Nature is Awesome.