Individual Membership

Join a movement of people who want to rewild, preserve and manage Africa’s vast Wilderness areas, empower her people and protect her wildlife

Help us Rewild Africa and protect its National parks and surrounding wilderness areas before it's too late.

Join a movement of people who want to protect Africa’s National Parks and wildlife and make a REAL long term, sustainable difference – by investing in and educating Africa’s indigenous wilderness people

As an Individual Member you will be helping us to:


Acquire or lease derelect farms within large wilderness areas, predominantly located around existing national parks and game reserves, that are ideal for rewilding


Help us expand critical habitat for endangered and persecuted species such as elephants, rhinos, lions and pangolins


Help us to plan, develop and manage Community Conservancies and Game Reserves as described under the PROJECT menu selection


Help us educate and build community conservation businesses on these Conservancies and Games Reserves


Add your voice to help us negotiate policy changes with some of Africa’s governments and wildlife authorities


Keep Africa’s magical natural world intact for future generations to enjoy

We aim to support, rewild, protect and manage over 6 million hectares of land by 2034

Become a Rewilding Africa Individual member by taking out a Zambezi APP Membership monthly subscription at an amount that suits your particular budget

You will become a part of our growing Rewilding Africa Member community, giving us the necessary resources and a shared voice to help us educate and partner poor and impoverished wilderness communities, to join us in the fight against biodiverse habitat destruction and endangered species poaching.

The Zambezi( powered Rewilding Africa Membership mobile app, offers an easy to use experience including:

  • voting on topical and important conservation policies, to help convince policy makers to consider a change,
  • subscription membership payments, one off donations and budgeting,
  • receive messages and project updates,
  • volunteer information
To download the Zambezi APP and become an individual member, please click on one of the following links:

OR please scan the below QR code which will take you to the stores for download

NB: The Zambezi APP is currently ONLY available for download in the United Kingdom. If you wish to become an individual subscription member and are based outside of the United Kingdom, please kindly make use of the RED DONATE Button on the Home Page and choose the Monthly gift option

If you have any questions we can be contacted
on 075 77187708 or email:

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